Polokwane Municipality is gravely concerned about the escalating incidents of cable theft within its jurisdiction. As of today alone, ten cases of cable theft have been reported, adding to the burden the community already bears due to this criminal activity.

The impact of cable theft extends far beyond inconvenience; it jeopardizes the safety and lives of the residents and disrupts essential services vital to the municipality’s functioning. The municipality recognizes the strain this places on the community and wants to assure all that municipality’s dedicated electrical team is actively working to address these challenges.

However, the magnitude of these incidents demands a collective effort from all of us. Polokwane Municipality urgently appeals to every member of the public to collaborate with the municipality and law enforcement agencies in combating cable theft as “we cannot allow a few individuals to jeopardize the well-being and progress of our entire community”.

The municipality understands the frustration caused by these incidents and assures all affected customers that all reported cases will be investigated and addressed by the municipality’s dedicated teams; and further requests patience and cooperation of all during this time.

SAPS: 08600 10111
Eskom: 08600 37566
By-Law Enforcement Office: 015 290 2457


Issued by Communications and Marketing Unit