The Municipal Public Accounts Committee’s (MPAC) public hearing is in session at the council chamber to probe the adjusted annual performance report for 2022/23 financial year.
The committee led by its chairperson Cllr. MS Phoshoko prepares questions based on the reports from the municipality and its entity, Polokwane Housing Association. The Executive Mayor, supported by members of the Mayoral Committee, must respond to the questions in public as part of accountability to the communities.
The Annual Performance Report is an instrument used to provide information to the community and to reflect on the performance achievements made during a financial year.
The Acting Executive Mayor Cllr. Tshepo Nkwe said these processes are legislated and necessary for the provision of service delivery in a sustainable manner and further to provide for an accountable local government to the local communities.
“It is our responsibility to provide an account of how we have delivered services with the budget that was approved by Council during 2022/23 financial year,” he said.
The main purpose of MPAC is to exercise oversight over the executive functionaries of the council and to ensure good governance in the municipality. This includes oversight over municipal entities.