Polokwane Municipality encourages all residents experiencing episodes of brown water flowing from their taps to report such incidents immediately. Prompt reporting allows municipal teams to address and resolve these issues quickly to ensure safety and quality of water supply.

To report brown water incidents, please contact municipal call center at 015 290 2000 / 015 023 5000 or dedicated Water and Sanitation helpline at 015 290 2376 and/or send a WhatsApp message to 068 290 8736.

The municipality further urges residents to report any incidents of illegal water connections to helps the municipality and Lepelle Northern Water in protecting their infrastructure and ensuring a safe and reliable water supply for all. Illegal connection activities pose significant health risks to the community and can lead to water supply disruptions.


To report illegal water connections, please contact Polokwane Municipality’s By-Law
Enforcement Office at 015 290 2458 or notify Lepelle Northern Water through 015 295 1800 or SAPS at 08600 10111.

Polokwane Municipality appreciates vigilance and cooperation of all customers in maintaining the safety and integrity of water supply.

Issued by Communications and Marketing Unit