In consideration of various socio-economic challenges and the current state of the economy, Polokwane Municipality has adjusted tariffs for the 2024/2025 financial year as follows:

  • Water services increased by 9%, reflecting the rise from Lepelle Northern Water.
    The municipality subsidizes the first 6 kilolitres (6,000 litres) per household.
  • Refuse and sewerage services increased by 6%, just above inflation but below the CPI plus 1% norm.
  • Electricity services increased by 12.72%, matching Eskom’s price hike as approved by NERSA. The municipality provides 100 kWh of free electricity to indigent households, above the national norm of 50 kWh per month.
  • Property rates increased by 3%, with a new valuation roll effective from the new financial year. This reflects an 11% increase from the property base since 2019, with specific changes communicated to property owners.

Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Makoro John Mpe, said: “As we have consistently demonstrated over the past three financial years, we always take the plight of our consumers into key consideration when determining tariffs, particularly for water and electricity.

Unfortunately, due to the global and domestic economic downturn, the municipality has had to increase its tariffs for services. However, I assure you that the rate of increase for electricity is strictly in accordance with NERSA guidelines, while the increase for water services mirrors that of Lepelle Northern Water.”

Polokwane Municipality appreciates the continued support of all residents and businesses as it strives to build a better City of Stars.

For account enquiries, reconnections, and prepaid services, contact the municipality at 081 517 0042 / 083 673 3238 / 081 747 0878 / 083 301 3738 or 015 290 2679 / 2680 / 2681 / 2684 and/or email at statement@polokwane.gov.za / billingc@polokwane.gov.za.


Issued by Communications and Marketing Unit